Friday, 7 January 2011

Novel In a Month

Getting started is the hardest part of writing, especially if we try to see too far ahead. The thought of writing 80 thousand plus words...of filling hundreds of pages when we can't even get started on one...the dread of isolation; all these things can keep us back from getting started.

It isn't as hard as you might believe. In fact, it is possible to write the draft of your novel in a month. Take Barbara Cartland  who wrote more than 600 novels or Mark Victor Hansen co author of "Chicken Soup for the Soul" who turns out a book a month or Dr Richard Carlson who wrote "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" during a 12 hour flight and went on to sell 25 million copies.

Take a look at the website of the National Novel Writing Month by clicking on the NaNoWriMo photo on the right and consider signing up for free...with the encouragement and support of like minded writers, you will complete your book with as little as 40 minutes a day.

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